Friday, February 19, 2010


ISO 100 -- 25mm -- f/4.0 -- 1/100sec

This corner of my living room has the best window light. To the right side of the picture is two sliding glass doors which face due north, or maybe seeing that I live in Colorado should say "North Face". I've always wanted to photograph someone here, but my roommates aren't home right now. I tried a few shots in manual-mode, and I was having so so success. This was shot in aperture-priority, and I selected the ISO and well, aperture. It has minimal post-processing. It turned out ok, even if I don't really care to have photos of myself. I could have used my reflector to fill in the right side of my face more, but I didn't want to because I like the slight shadowing in the top right corner, and the reflector would have cancelled that out.


  1. Tim,

    No need to criticize your self on this photo. I think it is an outstanding self portrait and the lighting is exactly how it should be, very impressive!

