Friday, October 3, 2014

Meet the Neff's! Kansas City Missouri Wedding

I've known Alisha for going on 17 years - it's hard to even believe that! We met in 1998 when I was stationed in Missouri by the Air Force. Over the years we have shared many laughs, and have ridden the roller coaster of dating (not each other, just in general, ha ha). Alisha hoped and prayed for a wonderful guy to make her husband. Well that day finally came and I was honored to be there to celebrate as well as capture the wonderful day.

She and Phillip are wildly in love. The love they have for each other was a tangible as the Missouri humidity. They laughed so much on their wedding day a week ago - they are perfect together!

My beautiful wife was my second shooter, she has quite the eye.

The Neff's this is everyone, everyone this is The Neff's!

[Click an image to see a larger gallery view]

Awesome "groom's cake"!

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